Peter Lynch’s five rules to investing

“If I could avoid a single stock, it would be the hottest stock in the hottest industry, the one that gets the most favorable publicity, the one that every investor hears about in the car pool or on the commuter train—and succumbing to the social pressure, often buys.” Peter Lynch

Legendary American investor Peter Lynch shared five rules everyone can follow when investing in the stock market.

Within his 13-year tenure, Lynch drove the Fidelity Magellan Fund to a 2,800% gain – averaging a 29.2% annual return. It is the best 20-year return of any mutual fund in history. He is considered the greatest money manager of all time, and he beat the market for so long through buying the right stocks.

No one can promise you Lynch’s record, but you can learn a lot from him, and you don’t need a billion-dollar portfolio to follow his rules.

Lynch’s five rules for any investor in the stock market are listed below.

1. Know what you own

The most important rule for Lynch is that investors should know and understand the company they own.

“I’m amazed at how many people that own stocks can’t tell you, in a minute or less, why they own that particular stock,” said Lynch.

Investors need to understand the company’s operations and what they offer well enough to explain it to a 10-year-old in two minutes or less. If you can’t, you will never make money.

Lynch believes that If the company is too complicated to understand and how it adds value, then don’t buy it. “I made 10 to 15 times my money in Dunkin Donuts because I could understand it,” he said.

2. Don’t invest purely on other’s opinions

People do research in all aspects of their lives, but for some reason, they fail to do the same when deciding on what stock to buy.

People research the best car to buy, look at reviews and compare specs when buying electronics, and get travel guides when travelling to new places – But they don’t do the same due diligence when buying a stock.

“So many investors get a tip on a stock travelling on the bus, and they’ll put half of their life savings in it before sunset, and they wonder why they lose money in the stock market,” Lynch said.

He added that investors should never just buy a stock because someone says it is a great buy. Do your research.

3. Focus on the company behind the stock

There is a method to the stock market, and the company behind the stock will determine where that stock goes.

“Stocks aren’t lottery tickets, there’s no luck involved. There’s a company behind every stock; if a company does well, the stock will do well – It’s not complicated,” Lynch said.

He advises that investors look at companies that have good growth prospects and is trading at a reasonable price using financial data such as:

• Balance Sheet – No story is complete without a balance sheet check. The balance sheet will tell you about the company’s financial structure, how much debt and cash it has, and how much equity its shareholders have. A company with a lot of cash is great, as it can buy more stock, make acquisitions or pay off its debt.

  • Year-by-year earnings growth
  • Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) – relative to historical and industry averages.
  • Debt-equity ratio
  • Dividends and payout ratios
  • Price-to-free cash flow ratio
  • Return on invested capital

4. Don’t try to predict the market

Trying to time the market is a losing battle. One thing to keep in mind is that you aren’t going to invest at the bottom. Buy stocks because you want to own the business long-term, even if the share price decreases slightly after you buy.

Instead of trying to time the bottom and throwing all your money in at once, a better strategy is gradually building your stock positions over time.

This approach spreads out your investments and allows you to buy into the market at different times at varying prices that ideally balance each other out versus investing one lump sum all at once.

This way, if you’re wrong and the stock continues to fall, you’ll be able to take advantage of the new lower prices without missing out.

“Trying to time or predict the stock market is a total waste of time because no one can do it,” Lynch said.

Corollary: Buy with a Margin of Safety: No matter how careful an investor is in valuing a company, she can never eliminate the risk of being wrong. Margin of Safety is a tool for minimizing the odds of error in an investor’s favor. Margin of Safety means never overpaying for a stock, however attractive the investment opportunity may seem. It means purchasing a company at a market price 30% or more below its intrinsic value.

5. Market crashes are great opportunities

Knowing the stock market’s history is a must if you want to be successful.

What you learn from history is that the market goes down, and it goes down a lot. In 93 years, the market has had 50 declines; once every two years, the market declines by 10%. of those 50 declines, 15 have declined by 25% or more – otherwise known as a bear market – roughly every six years.

“All you need to know is that the market is going to go down sometimes, and it’s good when it happens,” Lynch said.

“For example, if you like a stock at $14 and it drops to $6 per share, that’s great. If you understand a company, look at its balance sheet, and it’s doing well, and you’re hoping to get to $22 a share with it, $14 to $22 is terrific, but $6 to $22 is exceptional,” he added.

Declines in the stock market will always happen, and you can take advantage of them if you understand the company and know what you own.



Warren Buffett’s Three Investing Principles

If you want to invest on your own, billionaire investor Warren Buffett recommends three investing principles that have guided him over the decades.

The principles are derived from a book first published in 1949: “The Intelligent Investor”, written by Buffett’s mentor, Benjamin Graham:

Principle 1: Don’t look at a stock like it is a ticker symbol with a price that goes up and down on a chart. It’s a slice of a company’s profits far into the future, and that’s how they need to be evaluated.

Buffett has four things he wants to see, whether he’s buying the entire company for Berkshire, or just a slice of it as a stock:

  1. “One that we can understand …” When Buffett talks about “understanding” a company, he means he understands how that company will be able to make money far into the future. He’s often said he didn’t buy shares of what turned out to be very successful tech companies like Google and Microsoft because he didn’t understand them.
  2. “With favorable long-term prospects …” Buffett often refers to a company’s sustainable competitive advantage, something he calls a “moat.” A “moat” consists of things a company does to keep and gain loyal customers, such as low prices, quality products, proprietary technology, and, often, a well- known brand built through years of advertising, such as Coca-Cola. An established company in an industry that has large start-up costs that deter would be competitors can also have a moat.
  3. “Operated by honest and competent people …”. “Generally, we like people who are candid. We can usually tell when somebody’s dancing around something, or where their — when the reports are essentially a little dishonest, or biased, or something. And it’s just a lot easier to operate with people that are candid. “And we like people who are smart, you know. I don’t mean geniuses… And we like people who are focused on the business.” — 1995 BERKSHIRE ANNUAL MEETING. The quality of the business itself, however, takes precedence.
  4. “Available at a very attractive price.”Buffett’s goal is to buy when the price is below a company’s “intrinsic value.”“The intrinsic value of any business, if you could foresee the future perfectly, is the present value of all cash that will be ever distributed for that business between now and judgment day.“And we’re not perfect at estimating that, obviously”, Buffett stated. “But that’s what an investment or a business is all about. You put money in, and you take money out.”

Principle 2: The stock market is there to serve you, not instruct you.

Many non-professional investors become concerned when stock prices fall. They think the market is telling them they made a mistake. Some may even be so shaken that they sell stocks at the lower prices.

Buffett takes the opposite view. If he buys a stock because he thinks the company will be a long-term winner, he doesn’t let the market convince him otherwise.

Principle 3: Maintain a margin of safety

“We try not to do anything difficult …

“This is not like Olympic diving. In Olympic diving, they have a degree of difficulty factor. And if you can do some very difficult dive, the payoff is greater if you do it well than if you do some very simple dive.

“That’s not true in investments. You get paid just as well for the most simple dive, as long as you execute it all right. And there’s no reason to try those three-and-a-halfs when you get paid just as well for just diving off the side of the pool and going in cleanly.

“So, we look for one-foot bars to step over rather than seven-foot or eight-foot bars to try and set some Olympic record by jumping over. And it’s very nice, because you get paid just as well for the one-foot bars.” — 1998 BERKSHIRE ANNUAL MEETING

Low cost index funds

Buffett has long recommended that investors put their money in low-cost index funds, which hold every stock in an index, making them automatically diversified. The S&P 500, for example, includes big-name companies like Apple, Coca-Cola and Amazon.

Buffett said that for people looking to build wealth and their retirement savings, diversified index funds make “the most sense practically all of the time.”

“Consistently buy an S&P 500 low-cost index fund,” Buffett said in 2017. “Keep buying it through thick and thin, and especially through thin.”



The Power of Visualization

“Successful people, such as professional athletes and other top performers, have used visualization techniques to visualize their desired outcomes for ages.”

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can use to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. Visualization can be applied to help you improve your performance and be successful in all aspects of your life.

Visualization works because when you visualize, your mind and body don’t really know the difference between what you visualize and reality. When you visualize your goal, you create the thoughts, focus and energy that will help to pull that goal towards you.

The Power of Visualization.When you visualize, your body and mind react as if they were true. Many people believe that when you believe something to be true, you attract it to you – you make it true.

However, believing something to be true doesn’t necessarily make it happen. For many people taking action is challenging due to lack of confidence or a lack of belief in their goal. Visualization, because it taps directly into these emotions, can strengthen your belief in yourself, in your abilities and in your goals.

Additionally, visualization helps paint the scene so you can better plan and prepare for success. When you visualize your success as reality you can also visualize your path to get there.

Before taking the stage to speak to a large audience, Matt Mayberry, Maximum Performance Strategist and a former NFL linebacker, always picture himself giving the “perfect” speech. He would begin weeks in advance by picturing the audience and the positive reaction from the crowd. 

Top performers, among many others, have mastered the technique of positive visualization and openly credit it as a success tactic. Practice makes improvement. Practicing visualization isn’t just a fun exercise – the better you become at visualization the faster you will achieve the success you desire.

When you think of a big goal or dream that you want to achieve, it’s natural to think of all of the obstacles that will come your way. 

All top performers, regardless of profession, know well the importance of and consistently practice of picturing themselves succeeding in their minds before they actually do in reality. It is extremely effective when harnessed and used correctly.

“The key to effective visualization is to create the most detailed, clear, and vivid a picture to focus on.”

Research shows that the more you focus on the things you desire, the better chance you have at getting them. For example, struggling comedian and actor, Jim Carrey used to picture himself being the greatest actor in the world. When Carey was still a “wannabe” during one of his appearances on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, he spoke about his early days trying to make it in the entertainment business. He was broke and had no future. But he took a blank check and wrote out $10 million dollars to himself for acting services rendered and dated it five year in the future.

Subsequently, he carried that check in his wallet at all times and looked at it every morning, visualizing receiving $10 million. Five years after he wrote the check to himself, he found out that he was going to earn $10 million from the movie “Dumb and Dumber.”

Consider two other examples:

  • Boxing champion and legend Muhammad Ali was always stressing the importance of seeing himself victorious long before the actual fight. 
  • Michael Jordan always took the last shot in his mind before he ever took one in real life.

As the examples demonstrate, you to can visualize and create an image of what you most desire. You create a detailed mental scene of what it looks like as you achieve your goal. Visualize it happening now, and the scene that is playing out.

There is a big difference in imaging your goals and making them feel so real your mind believes it has already happened. The more you surround yourself with imagery or words related to your goal, the more real it will become to you.

To make any habit stick, you need to continue to do that habit. The same goes for visualization, the more you practice the quicker you will be in the frame of mind that helps pave the way to success.

Visualization is extremely powerful in helping you achieve success and realize your goals. However, you will still need to put in the hard work and dedication. Don’t forget to repeat, repeat, repeat!

  • Picture yourself victorious – If you can’t see it, then it’s not going to happen. In order to achieve your biggest goals and dreams, you have to picture yourself victorious. You have to look beyond your current circumstances and past failures. While visualizing, it’s necessary to visualize as many details as you can. Re-create any feelings that are in alignment with your dreams. Make it part of your daily routine. You will be amazed at the improvement in your life and astounded when your dream is realized.
  • Create a vision board. – A vision board gives you the opportunity to actually see your goals. This vision board can be a poster board, a piece of paper, the back of a cardboard box, or anything. On the vision board, put pictures that illustrate what you desire in your life. On your vision board, you can also post quotes that embodied what you want and read them every single day.
  • Utilize the power of a trigger card – Your biggest goal and dream can be placed on a note card to serve as your trigger card. From your 3×5 index cards, read daily the goal you desire most. Get in the habit of doing this every day. Each morning and each night, read those index cards, close your eyes, and imagine yourself accomplishing and following through on that major goal of yours.

Get in the habit of putting together a positive vision into your everyday life. Visualize yourself succeeding, achieving every goal, accomplishing every task. The key is to make your positive vision stronger than anything that can set you back. The more vivid you can get, the better it will work for you. Start thinking of your personal goals in life. Spend about 10 to 15 minutes picturing yourself achieving each one.

Get as detailed as possible. Picture what you will do once your goal is reached. How amazing does it feel? How will this change the course of your life? Remember, the little details increase the likelihood of the big picture.

It’s important to understand that visualization alone isn’t enough. But, it is an integral part of the process of you becoming the best version of yourself. That’s the power of visualizing your dreams. That’s the power of dreaming. That’s the power of relentlessly believing and working toward your vision every single day.

If you can’t visualize yourself being extremely successful, dominating your profession, and running a phenomenal business, then chances are you never will.



Positive Wealth Building Thoughts

“Wealth is the product of a man’s capacity to think.” – Ayn Rand

“We become what we think about.” — Earl Nightingale

Wealth building begins and ends with your mindset, thoughts and behaviors. Thus, it’s imperative to keep your thoughts focused on the positive, on success, on making an impact, on changing the world and on changing people’s lives for the better.

There is an old adage that goes:

  • Watch your thoughts, they become words.
  • Watch your words, they become actions.
  • Watch your actions, they become habits.
  • Watch your habits, they become your character.
  • Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

You must not fix your eyes on current world conditions or even your own personal situation. Instead, you must focus on what you can control, on how you respond, and on how well you maintain a positive and winning mindset and attitude. Focus on the solution not the problem.

So, your keys to success tips include:

  1. Use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, ‘I can’, ‘I am able’, ‘it is possible’, ‘it can be done’, etc.
  2. Allow only feelings of happiness, strength and success into your awareness.
  3. Every time a negative thought finds its way into your mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought or an affirmation.
  4. In your conversation, use words that bring forth feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
  5. Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome.
  6. Read at least one page of an inspiring book or an inspiring article every day.
  7. Associate yourself with people who think positively.
  8. Act courageous. Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.

In order to build wealth and to achieve financial freedom, you must develop a wealth building mindset and follow a deliberate plan. As you will discover, your wealth grows to the extent that you do.

“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.” – Earl Nightingale

Bottomline…for success, keep your focus and thoughts on wealth building!!! Because, what you focus on expands and establishing habits is the key to expansion.

Don’t focus on the problems your dealing with today or the conditions of the world; fix your eyes on your systems, habits and the destination.

Napoleon Hill describes success as the product of having a definite objective. In achieving that objective, you need a clear definite aim and a definite plan to get there.

A definite chief aim means in simple terms that you must have a clear objective that you are aiming to achieve. Success — building wealth and achieving financial freedom — will not come to you and you will not be able to manifest what you want, unless you know what you want.

Success is ultimately achieved by focusing on a clear objective, and pursuing that objective deliberately and with all the means at your disposal. In simple terms, success is simple, but not easy.

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

Actually, you just have to be exceptionally clear about what you are trying to achieve, passionate about achieving it, comfortable and happy that what you’re doing matches your values: and finally, and perhaps more important than anything else, you must believe that you can achieve it, you must expect to do so, and you must have a plan to achieve it.

So it’s imperative that you use the power of your thoughts and mind to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This works similarly to building strength in the muscles of your body. As you focus on what’s going right in your life, it will grow and expand like a muscle.

What you focus on grows and expands!



Racial Economic Disparity vs. Economic Inclusion

“The economic downturn has not fallen equally on all Americans, and those least able to shoulder the burden have been hardest hit.” Jerome Powell, Chairman Federal Reserve

Wealth inequality, also known as the wealth gap, is a measure of the distribution of wealth—essentially the difference between the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor, according to World Population Review. American household wealth—the value of assets subtracted by the liabilities and debts owed—may have increased largely in the form of equity, mutual funds, and similar investments, but not equally among all Americans.

Wealth inequality is closely related to income inequality, which tracks the money people earn. However, wealth inequality includes not just income, but also the value of bank accounts, stocks and investments, homes, and personal possessions such as cars, jewelry, artwork, and other valuables. Wealth inequality is a major cause of unequal living standards in many communities.

The Federal Reserve’s statistics have confirmed the racial inequity gap related to income and wealth disparities. In its 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, white families were reported to have had a median wealth level of $188,200, substantially larger than the median Black family’s wealth level of $24,100.

“These disparities still stand from a racism that’s systemic. It can be traced from employment to small businesses and wealth and still exist today in ways that still damage our country’s health,” Cleveland-based artist Chris Webb said.

The central bank is studying racial inequities in the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve says it can only do so much to address earnings and wealth disparities, but feels an obligation to at least research the economic implications of uneven economic outcomes in the U.S.

While the assets of white households are equally split between real estate, equity and mutual fund shares, pensions, and other assets, the assets of other racial groups are less diversified. Almost two-thirds of Black wealth is composed of real estate and pensions, with 38% coming from pension assets alone. Similarly, 61% of Hispanic wealth and 56% of wealth from other races is composed of just these two asset types.

Additionally, according to data from the Census Bureau, 35% of white Americans are 55 and older, whereas only 24% of Black Americans are and only 16% of Hispanic Americans are. Hence, a part of the reason why wealth ownership is much lower among Black and Hispanic Americans may be due to the fact that they are relatively younger on average than white Americans. Black and Hispanic populations may be younger for a variety of reasons, including differences in life expectancy—Black Americans’ life expectancy is 3.5 years less than that of white Americans—as well as immigration trends.

The white population is more likely to be older, has earned more income over their lifetime and hold more wealth than Black and Hispanic populations.

In summary, the causes of wealth inequality in America remains deeply rooted and are systemic. And, the results of wealth inequality in America persists even today.



Build Wealth in 2022: Dave Ramsey

According to a recent survey, eight out of 10 of everyday millionaires invested in their employer’s 401(k) plan, and that simple step was a key to their wealth building. Not only that, but three out of four of those surveyed invested money in brokerage accounts outside of their company plans.

Moreover, they didn’t risk their money on single-stock investments or “an opportunity they couldn’t pass up.” In fact, no millionaire in the study said single-stock investing was a big factor in their financial success. Single stocks didn’t even make the top three list of factors for reaching their net worth.

The people in the study became millionaires by consistently saving over time. In fact, they worked, saved and invested for an average of 28 years before hitting the million-dollar mark, and most of them reached that milestone at age 49.

Dreams of trips to visit grandkids, travel adventures, and family celebrations at your paid-for home. That’s the kind of retirement many Americans dream about. You don’t have to earn six figures to turn this dream into a reality. But you do have to live and plan today with that goal in mind.

It’s important to get started building wealth no matter how old you are. Depending on your income and current financial circumstances, it might take some folks longer than others. But the fact is, you will get there if you do these five things over and over again.

Here are the five keys to building wealth:

1. Have a Written Plan for Your Money (aka a Budget)

No one “accidentally” wins at anything—and you are not the exception! If you want to build wealth, you have to plan for it. And that’s exactly what a budget is—it’s just a written plan for your money.

You have to sit down at the start of each month and give every dollar an assignment—and then stick to it! When our team completed The National Study of Millionaires, we found that 93% of millionaires said they stick to the budgets they create. Ninety-three percent! Getting on a budget is the foundation of any wealth-building plan.     

2. Get Out (and Stay Out) of Debt

According to Dave Ramsey, the only “good debt” is paid-off debt. Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income. And when you spend your whole life sending loan payments to banks and credit card companies, you end up with less money to save and invest for your future. It’s time to break the cycle!

Trying to save and invest while you’re still in debt is like running a marathon with your feet chained together. That’s dumb with a capital D! Get debt out of your life first. Then you can start thinking about building wealth.

3. Live on Less Than You Make

Proverbs 21:20 says that in the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a man devours all he has. Translation? Wealthy people don’t blow all their money on stupid stuff. The myth that millionaires live lavish lifestyles that include Ferraris in their garage and lobster dinners every night is just that—a foolish myth. 

Here’s the truth: 94% of the millionaires we studied said they live on less than they make. The typical millionaire has never carried a credit card balance in their entire lives, spends $200 or less on restaurants each month, and still shops with coupons—even after reaching millionaire status!1 So ask yourself: Do you want to act rich or actually become rich? The choice is yours.

4. Save for Retirement

According to The National Study of Millionaires, 3 out of 4 millionaires (75%) said that regular, consistent investing over a long period of time is the reason for their success. They don’t get distracted by market swings or trendy stocks or get-rich-quick schemes—they actually save money and invest!

Being debt-free and having money in the bank to cover emergencies gives you the foundation you need to start saving for retirement. Once you get to that point, invest 15% of your gross income into retirement accounts like a 401(k) and Roth IRA. When you do that month after month, decade after decade, you know what you’re going to have in your nest egg? Money! Lots of it!

5. Be Outrageously Generous

Don’t miss this, y’all. At the end of the day, true financial peace is having the freedom to live and give like no one else. When you write a plan for your money, get rid of debt, live on less than you make, and start investing for the future, you can be as generous as you want to be and help change the world around you.

But when you make giving a part of your life, it doesn’t just change those around you—it changes you. Studies have shown over and over again that generosity leads to more happiness, contentment and a better quality of life.3 You can’t put a price tag on that!

How to Build Wealth at Any Age

That’s some big-picture financial advice that works no matter how old you are or how much money you make. It’s also true that each decade of your life will have specific challenges and opportunities. So let’s break things down decade by decade to see what you can do to maximize your savings potential.

In fact, the majority of millionaires didn’t even grow up around a lot of money. According to the survey, eight out of 10 millionaires come from families at or below middle-income level. Only 2% of millionaires surveyed said they came from an upper-income family.

The National Study of Millionaires showed a dramatic difference between how Americans think wealthy people get their money and how they actually earn and spend their money.

The salaries wealthy people make is not as much as you might think. The majority of millionaires in the study didn’t have high-level, high-salary jobs. In fact, only 15% of millionaires were in senior leadership roles, such as vice president or C-suite roles (CEO, CFO, COO, etc.). Ninety-three percent (93%) of millionaires said they got their wealth because they worked hard, and saved for the future and invested for the long term, not because they had big salaries.



Financial Freedom

“It’s the ability to live and maintain the lifestyle which you desire without having to work or rely on anyone for money.” T Harv Eker

Financial Peace guru Dave Ramsey proclaims that “Financial freedom means that you get to make life decisions without being overly stressed about the financial impact because you are prepared. You control your finances instead of being controlled by them.”

It’s about having complete control over your finances which is the fruit of hard work, sacrifice and time. And, as a result, all of that effort and planning was well worth it!

Nevertheless, reaching financial freedom may be challenging but not impossible. It also may seem complicated, but in just a straightforward calculation, you can easily estimate of how much money you’ll need to be financially free.

What is financial freedom? Financial freedom is the ability to live the remainder of your life without outside help, working if you choose, but doing so only if you desire. It’s the ability to have the things you want and need, despite any occurrence other than the most catastrophic of outside circumstance.

To calculate your Financial Freedom Number, the total amount of money required to give you a sufficient income to cover your living expenses for the rest of your life

Step 1: Calculate Your Spending

Know how much you are spending each year. If you’ve done a financial analysis (net worth and cash flow), created a budget, and monitored your cash flow, then you’re ahead.

Take your monthly budget and multiply that amount by 12. Make sure you include periodic expenses such as annual premiums and dues or quarterly bills. Also include continued monthly contributions into accounts like your emergency fund, vacation clubs, car maintenance, etc.

Add all these together to get your Yearly Spending Total.

Keep in mind the lower the spending total, the lower the amount of money you’ll need to become financially independent. Learn how to lower your monthly household expenses and determine the difference between needs and wants.

Step 2: Choose Your Safe Withdrawal Rate

The safe withdrawal rate (also referred to as SWR) is a conservative method that retirees use to determine how much money can be withdrawn from accounts each year without running out of money for the rest of their lives.

The safe withdrawal rate method instructs financially independent people to take out a small percentage between 3-4% of their investment portfolios to mitigate worst-case scenarios. This withdrawal percentage is from the Trinity Study.

The Trinity Study found the 4% rule applies through all market ups and downs. By making sure you do not withdraw more than 4% of your initial investments each year, your assets should last for the rest of your life.

Step 3: Calculate Your Financial Independence (FI) Number

Your FI number is your Yearly Spending Total divided by your Safe Withdrawal Rate.

To find the amount of money you’ll need to be financially independent, take your Yearly Spending Total and divide it by your SWR.

For example:

  • Yearly Spending: $40,000
  • Safe Withdrawal Rate: 4%

Financial Independence Number = Yearly Spending / SWR

  • $40,000 / 0.04 = $1,000,000

Who becomes financially free? According to most financial advisors, compulsive savers and discipline investors tend to become financially free since:

  • They live on and spend less they earn.
  • They organize their time, energy and money efficiently in ways conducive to building wealth.
  • They have a strong belief that gaining financial freedom and independence is far more important than displaying high social status and financial symbols.
  • Their parents did not keep on helping them financially.
  • They have a keen insight to recognize financial and wealth building opportunities.

Net worth is the most important number in personal finance and represents your financial scorecard. Your net worth includes your investments, but it also includes other assets that might not generate income for you. Net Worth can be defined to mean:

  • Income (earned or passive)
  • Savings
  • Investing to grow and to put your money to work for you)
  • Simple and more frugal lifestyle

Financial freedom means different things to different people, and different people need vastly different amounts of wealth to feel financially free.

Maybe financial freedom means being debt-free, or having more time to spend with your family, or being able to quit corporate America, or having $5,000 a month in passive income, or making enough money to work from your laptop anywhere in the world, or having enough money so you never have to work another day in your life.

Ultimately, the amount you need comes down to the life you want to live, where you want to live it, what you value, and what brings you joy. Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness caused by something exceptionally good, satisfying, or delightful—aka “The Good Life.”

It is worth clearly articulating what the different levels of financial freedom mean. Grant Sabatier’s book, Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You’ll Ever Need, the levels of financial freedom are:

Seven Levels of Financial Freedom

  1. Clarity, when you figure out where you are financially (net worth and cash flow) and where you want to go
  2. Self-sufficiency, when you earn enough money to cover your expenses
  3. Breathing room, when you escape living paycheck to paycheck
  4. Stability, when you have six months of living expenses saved and bad debt, like credit card debt, repaid
  5. Flexibility, when you have at least two years of living expenses invested
  6. Financial independence, when you can live off the income generated by your investments and work becomes optional
  7. Abundant wealth, when you have more money than you’ll ever need

The difference between income and wealth: Wealth is accumulated assets, cash, stocks, bonds, real estate investments, and they have passive income. Simply, they don’t have to work if they don’t want to.

Accumulating wealth and becoming wealthy requires knowing what you want, discipline, taking responsibility and have a plan.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have great incomes, but you wouldn’t call them wealthy because of debt and lack of accumulated assets, instead:

  • They owe for their homes
  • They owe for their cars and boats.
  • They have little savings and investments
  • They have few “paid for” assets
  • They have negative net worth

Essentially, if you make a great income and spend it all, you will not become wealthy. Often, high income earners’ true net worth is far less than they think it is.

Here are several factors and steps to improve your financial life:

  • Establishing financial goals
  • Paying yourself first and automate the process
  • Creating and sticking to a budget. Know where you money goes.
  • Paying down and/or eliminating credit card and other bad debt. Debt which is taking from your future to pay for your past.
  • Saving for the future and investing for the long term consistently
  • Investing the maximum in your employer’s 401(k)
  • Living on and spending less than you earn
  • Simplify – separating your needs from your wants. You don’t need to keep buying stuff.

Financial freedom can look something like this:

  • Freedom to choose a career you love without worrying about money
  • Freedom to take a luxury vacation every year without it straining your budget
  • Freedom to pay cash for a new boat
  • Freedom to respond to the needs of others with outrageous generosity
  • Freedom to retire a whole decade early

When you have financial freedom, you have options.

“Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have. What you are will show in what you do.” Thomas Edison



Mindset Matters

“Mindset is everything because it touches, impacts, and influences quite literally every aspect of your life.”

Your mindset is the filter through which you see the world. It is comprised of your beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and perceptions that inform your thoughts, habits* and decisions. Mindset encompasses both your conscious and unconscious thoughts as well as how you view yourself. It, your mindset, determines how you spend your time, who you spend your time with, what decisions you make, and where you invest your resources (time, talent and treasure).

Your mindset is an important part of your toolkit for success. Like glasses, they can either obscure your path or bring clarity to the road ahead. Thus, taking an active approach to understanding and crafting a positive mindset is important. Most people don’t realize that they’ve been programming their mindset through their experiences and perceptions. If you constantly feed your mindset with negative perspectives, your outlook will be negative. Garbage in, is garbage out.

On the other hand, cultivating a healthy wealth mindset will help you stick to your financial goals and you find ways to increase your earning potential. And, there are two key inputs that shape your mindset: the environment (or people) you spend time with and the media (written and verbal) you consume daily.

There’s an old saying in financial circles that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you want to be fit, hang out with friends who exercise. If you want to think big and aspire to build wealth and change the world, then you must consume inspiring positive media and hang out with people who have great purpose and big audacious goals.

Just as you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, the same is true for your ideas and aspirations.

A wealth mindset is a set of beliefs, habits, and behaviors that separates the wealthy from the rest. A wealth mindset will guide you to make the most of the money you have. It is essential to effectively and successfully save for the future, invest for the long term, build wealth and achieve financial freedom. A wealth mindset means spending less than you earn, making wise investments in assets, and looking for ways to improve financial well-being with minimal risk.

A wealth mindset matter matters because 60 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, according to Dave Ramsey. And as of 2018, 175 million Americans actively use credit cards. A majority of these credit card holders engage in impulsive spending behavior, wasting money they don’t have on items they don’t need.

“Wealth is a mindset!”, writes Shynna Key, author of “Wealth Is a Mindset”. She encourages you to “keeping it real” with your current financial position, identifying challenges, and taking responsibility for changing the way you view wealth. She opines that you must begin by examining “…what we have been taught as it relates to money and wealth. Though finances are a very private area for most to discuss, it is a crucial topic that will help us to understand the root of our financial ‘woes’ as well as the fruit of our financial ‘favor’; which is essential to our overall growth of wealth.”

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” – Lao Tzu

To accumulate wealth and achieve financial freedom, you must first be and think like the wealthy. By doing so, you will develop the habits and take the necessary actions to attract the resources to you. You must be someone first; someone who has what he or she needs in order to take the inspired action. To become a wealthy, you must be an individual who thinks and manages money like the wealthy. For example, “the average wealthy person spends 10 times more time planning their finances than the average middle-class individual”, explains Thomas J. Stanley, author of “The Millionaire Next Door”.

Money and wealth can buy freedom…financial freedom. Very few wealthy people became wealthy overnight. Building wealth is a deliberate process that requires patience and planning.

If you want to be wealthy, you’ll need to develop a wealth mindset. Start by defining your financial goals: how much money do you want to have in a year’s time? Five year’s time?

To realize your financial goals, you’ll need to develop a wealth mindset, create and follow a plan, and continue to learn and grow. And remember, the road to wealth is bumpy and filled with detours and misconceptions.

In many ways, the health of your finances, as well as your physical health, depends on your mindset and emotional well-being. Thus, it’s important to make it a priority and to take time for you. When you focus on purpose, potential, curiosity and collaboration, you will experience increased energy and well-being. Because, what you focus on…expands!

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” – Unknown


  4. Draper, Taylor, “Mind Matters”, Costco Connection, May 2021, pg. 17.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Socrates

* Habits are consistent, unconscious patterns. They constantly express our character and result in our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Habits are deeply ingrained and we are constantly pulled in their direction.

Wealth and Financial Freedom Mindset

A major factor regarding effectively managing your money and achieving financial freedom is maintaining a positive and confident mindset. Maintaining a positive growth mindset takes effort and knowledge. Here are some ways to start thinking about financial matters and building wealth:

Focus On What You Want – And Take It! So many people are too timid to admit they want something and go for it. When there is something that you want to accomplish don’t think “I could never actually do that”, think “I could do that and I WILL do that”. Play to win, not to avoid defeat.

This doesn’t mean to have to become a selfish jerk. What it means is becoming more assertive and honest with yourself. You don’t have to grab off other people. There is a big pot of unclaimed gold in the middle of the table — why shouldn’t you be the one to claim it? You deserve it!

Confront closely-held beliefs. Spend some time dissecting and understanding the previously-held beliefs you have about money. You learn a lot about money from your family at a young age—either that money is good or money is evil, for example.

Some people may grow up believing that money is a scarce resource, while others understand money as a tool. There are many numbers of qualities that get assigned to money that are not objectively true.

If you have major fear or shame regarding money, you may want to consider working through these emotions with a financial therapist. Your feelings are valid—but that doesn’t mean you have to live with them.

Integrate affirmations into your daily routine. You may find affirmations to be a grounding part of your day. For example, affirmations such as “I am worthy of wealth,” “I am capable of managing my money,” and “There is money out there to be made by me” could act as helpful reminders that you are in charge of your money and not the other way around.

To develop a positive mindset and to become a person who is “good with money”, it is essential to understand that achieving financial freedom and accumulating wealth is a journey. So, consider taking it step by step. Start by building familiarity with your financial situation, and look for small ways to improve it and make it better every day.

Don’t Spend Your Money – Invest It. The reason you need to save your money is to grow it by investing it for the long term. Millionaires tend to be frugal people, and that’s because they know the true value of money is in investing. Being your own boss goes hand-in-hand with building wealth. You’ll want to quit your regular job at some point.

Bottomline is to stop working for your money and invest, which puts your money to work for you.

Rather than buying yourself a new iPad, that $500 could be used to invest in the stock market. Find the right shares (more on that later), and that money could easily double within a year.



Calculating Net Worth

Calculating net worth involves adding up all your assets and subtracting all your liabilities.  The resulting sum is your net worth.

The value of your primary residence is not included in your net worth calculation.  In addition, any mortgage or other loan on the residence does not count as a liability up to the fair market value of the residence.  If the loan is for more than the fair market value of the residence (i.e., if your mortgage is underwater), then the loan amount that is over the fair market value counts as a liability under the net worth test.

Further, any increase in the loan amount in the 60 days prior to your purchase of the securities (even if the loan amount does not exceed the value of the residence) will count as a liability as well.  The reason for this is to prevent net worth from being artificially inflated through converting home equity into cash or other assets.

The following table sets forth examples of calculations under the net worth test for being an accredited investor:

Accredited Investor table
