Retirement Isn’t An Age

Retirement isn’t an age. It’s a point at which your finances are where you can permanently leave the workforce. ~ USAToday

Retirement refers to the time when someone permanently leaves the workforce, usually in their later years.

Retirement is often synonymous with the idea of financial independence, which is when your savings and investments are sufficient to cover your living expenses and support you for the rest of your life.

Many Americans think of retirement as a certain age. And certain retirement benefits are indeed associated with a specific age. For example, the minimum age to start collecting Social Security benefits is 62, but you’ll have to be 66 or 67 to collect your full benefits.

However, retirement isn’t an age. It’s a point at which your finances (the magic number) are where you can more than cover your monthly living expenses and permanently leave the workforce.

The “magic number” rule of thumb for retirement is to have 25 times your annual expenses or to spend only 4% of your portfolio per year during retirement.


Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is a way to help you maintain the same quality of life in the future.

You should start retirement planning as early as financially and emotionally possible, like in your early twenties or thirties. The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow.

That said, it’s never too late to start retirement planning, so don’t feel like you’ve missed the proverbial boat if you haven’t started.

Keep in mind, every dollar you can save now will be much appreciated later. Strategically investing could mean you won’t be playing catch-up for long.

Additionally, retirement planning isn’t merely about counting the days until you hang up your work boots and calculating your magical financial number.

It’s about ensuring that your golden years exudes comfort, financial security, personal relationships, meaning and purpose. Here are five financial steps to guide you as you prepare for career and life transition:

  1. Know When to Start: Determine when you want to retire. Will it be an early retirement at 62 or a grand finale at full Social Security benefits age (around 67)? Remember, the earlier you claim Social Security, the less you will receive monthly, but delaying it can enhance your benefits.
  2. Calculate Your Magic Number: Calculate how much wealth or nest egg you need to sustain your desired lifestyle. Consider living expenses, healthcare costs, and the joys you wish to indulge in during retirement.
  3. Prioritize your financial goals: Pay off debts, build your savings, downside if necessary, and calculate your monthly expenses.
  4. Choose Your Accounts: Explore retirement accounts. Will it be a 401(k), an IRA, or both? Each has tax advantages, contribution limits, and investment options. Mix and match wisely.
  5. Invest Wisely: Your investments must propel you toward your financial destination. In your youth, invest aggressively. As you approach the retirement, dial back to a more conservative mix.

Whether you’re a few decades or a few years away from retirement, having a plan can help you feel confident that you’ll be prepared when the time finally arrives.


You’re Responsible for Managing Your Money

“Don’t be like a ship at sea without a rudder, powerless and directionless. Decide what you want, find out how to get it, and then take daily action toward achieving your goal. You will get exactly and only what you ask and work for. Make up your mind today what is it you want and start today to go after it! Do It Now!” ~ Napoleon Hill

When you understand that you alone are responsible for managing your money and building wealth, everything changes. It’s not up to the government or your neighbor—it’s all on you.

Take control and make it happen.

It is ultimately the choices and actions you take with your money that have the greatest impact on your financial well-being.

It is about developing disciplined spending and saving habits, being responsible with debt, making wise investment decisions, and exhibiting patience and long-term thinking when it comes to financial goals.

Start by thinking about your end financial goal. What is the number (amount needed for retirement) you are aiming for? Once you have that number in mind, consider what actions you need to take now to make it a reality. If you’re unable to invest a lot right now, think about what steps you can take to change that situation.

Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, and you’ll be surprised at how much progress you can make.

Even if you cannot afford to invest $1,000 monthly, do not allow that to discourage you from investing. Beginning with more modest amounts such as $25, $50, or $100 can be a great starting point. It is crucial to make investing a priority, no matter how little, and then gradually increase your investments as time goes by.

When striving to build wealth and for financial freedom, don’t forget the importance of maintaining good health. True wealth is not only the freedom to pursue personal goals, but also the presence of good health. Without good health, financial freedom holds little to no worth.

While a healthy person desires numerous things, a sick person longs for just one: good health.


“Quality of life is having the freedom to make choices that are not fear based. Whether it’s the ability to choose the kinds of projects I want to take on and can learn from, or the ability to take a month off to travel. Freedom to choose is the ultimate luxury.”

~ Interior designer Danielle Colding on the ultimate luxury

Source: In the Company of Women​

How to Invest for Beginners: Peter Lynch

Investing can be for anybody, but is certainly not for everybody.

Only a handful of professional investors can compare to the legendary Peter Lynch. He rose to investing stardom in 1977 when he was appointed the fund manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund.

When Lynch took over, the fund had around $18 million in assets under management. After 13 years at the helm, Lynch increased the fund’s size by almost a thousand-fold.

In 1990, the Magellan Fund, and its over $14 billion in assets under management, became the biggest mutual fund in the world. At times, the fund held over 1,000 different stocks in its portfolio. Also, there was a period when it had an average annual return of 29.9%.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about investing, since there are actions a beginning investor can take to learn how to invest and how to manage their money and finances. One of the most important actions for new investors is to get started early.

Investing doesn’t have to be hard. Yet, it’s important to learn the basics of investing and what type of investments are the best depending on your financial situation and the amount of money you want to make. 

When you make it a point to save money, you are protecting yourself against life’s unforeseen difficulties. And when you invest, if you choose to do so, you will have a chance to earn much more than you would have expected to, growing your money exponentially.

Time Period

Long-term investing is one of the key concepts in Lynch’s and many of the most successful investor’s investment philosophy. Lynch argued that the value of stocks was rather easy to predict over a 10 to 20-year period, while short term predictions were pretty much useless and effectively impossible to make accurately due to market volatility.

Source: Brian Feroldi

Therefore, he strongly urged investors to always select stocks of companies that they understand, believe in and be patient to wait for them to go up over a long period of time rather than selling for profits.

According to research, if you invest a $1,000 every year on the highest day for a period of 30 years, you can expect a 10.6% annualized return. On the other hand, if you invest the same sum on the lowest day of the year, you can expect an 11.7% compounded return over the same period.

Peter Lynch also encouraged the reader to look for the tenbagger stocks.

A tenbagger is a stock that rises in value 10-fold or 1,000%. He advises against selling when the stock goes up 40% or even 100%. Instead, he urges investors to hold onto them for the long-term, despite the common trend of many investors to take profits by selling appreciated stocks.



Grant Sabatier: The 7 Levels of Financial Freedom

“It’s important to view money not as something that allows you to buy things, but view it as a means of giving you more choices in how you want to live.”

Grant Sabatier, the author of “Financial Freedom”, views money not as something that allows you to buy things, but as a means of giving you more choices in how you want to live. “With every dollar you save, you give yourself more freedom and options in life,” he said. “Based on how much you have saved and invested, ask yourself, ‘How many months of freedom have you acquired?’”

Sabatier’s 7 levels of financial freedom

Level 1: Clarity

The first step is taking stock of your financial situation — how much money you have, how much you owe, and what your goals are. “You can’t get to where you want to go without knowing where you’re starting from,” Sabatier says.

Level 2: Self-Sufficiency

Next, you’ll want to be standing on your own two feet, financially speaking. This means earning enough to cover your expenses without any outside help, such as contributions from Mom and Dad.

At this level, Sabatier notes, you may be living paycheck-to-paycheck or taking on loans to make ends meet.

Level 3: Breathing room

People at Level 3 have money left over after living expenses that they can put toward goals such as building an emergency fund and investing for retirement.

Escaping Level 2 means giving yourself some financial leeway, which Sabatier notes doesn’t necessarily mean making a much bigger salary. Indeed, 31% of working Americans making over $100,000 live paycheck-to-paycheck, according to MagnifyMoney.

“Just because you make a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re actually saving that money,” Sabatier says. “Most people in this country live through debt.”

Level 4: Stability

Those who reach Level 4 have paid down high interest rate debt, such as credit card debt, and have stashed away six months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. Building up emergency savings helps ensure that your finances won’t be thrown off track by unexpected circumstances.

“At this level, you’re not worried if you lose your job or if you have to move to a different city,” Sabatier says.

When calculating how much you’d need to have saved, thinking about what your financial picture might look like understand exigent circumstances, rather then your regular, everyday expenses, financial experts say.

“If you have a job loss, you’d make some changes. You’d probably cut your gym membership and get rid of your subscriptions, for instance,” Christine Benz, director of personal finance and retirement planning at Morningstar, told Grow. “Think about the bare minimum you’d need to get by.”

Level 5: Flexibility

People at Level 5 have at least two years’ worth of living expenses saved. With those kinds of savings, Sabatier suggests, you have the ability to think about your money terms of the time it can buy you: “You could take a year off from your job if you wanted to.”

You needn’t carry all of this money in cash, Sabatier notes: It could be a sum total from your savings and investment accounts. As long as you’re able to access that money somehow, if you need it, you have the flexibility to untether yourself, at least temporarily, from the workforce.

Level 6: Financial Independence

People who have achieved financial independence can live solely off the income generated from their investments, according to Sabatier’s framework.

“You generally have one of two things,” says Sabatier. “You either have a large pile of money in an investment portfolio that’s generating interest, or you have rental properties, and cashflow from the rent covers your living expenses, or a hybrid of the two.”

To get here, you’ll have to invest a high percentage of your income, which could require you to shift to a more modest lifestyle to drastically lower your cost of living. Pursuing this lifestyle requires a change in thinking away from the traditional paradigms of personal finance, Sabatier says.

“People are being taught to save 5%, 10%, 15% of their income, and maybe you’ll be able to retire when you’re 65,” he says. “Thankfully, more young people are starting to understand that if I aggressively save and invest, I can work less and have more control over my future and my destiny.”

Level 7: Abundant Wealth

Financially independent folks who live off their portfolio income rely on the “4% rule” — a retirement rule of thumb that posits that an investor can safely withdraw 4%, adjusted for inflation, from a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds each year, and be relatively certain that the money will continue to grow and won’t run out.

Although economists debate whether 4% is the optimal number (some more conservative observers think the right figure might be closer to 3.3%), the calculation behind it serves as the basis for establishing a FIRE number — the amount of money you’d need to retire and earn an annual income you could comfortably live on.

While those in Level 6 need to monitor swings in their portfolio to make sure their retirement is still going according to plan, those in Level 7 have no such worries. “Level 7 is abundant wealth — having more money than you’ll ever need,” Sabatier says. “You don’t have to worry about money, and it’s not essential to your day-to-day existence.”



10 Powerful Quotes ~ “The Psychology of Money”

“Rich is the current income. Wealth is income not spent. Wealth is hard because it requires self-control.” Morgan Housel

10 Powerful Quotes from “The Psychology of Money” by “Morgan Housel”

  1. “Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money.”
  2. “Getting money is one thing. Keeping it is another.”
  3. “Be nicer and less flashy. No one is impressed with your possessions as much as you are.”
  4. “You might think you want a fancy car or a nice watch. But what you probably want is respect and admiration.”
  5. “Use money to gain control over your time.”
  6. “Saving is the gap between your ego and your income.”
  7. “Savings can be created by spending less. You can spend less if you desire less. And you will desire less if you care less about what others think of you. Money relies more on psychology than finance.”
  8. “Rich is the current income. Wealth is income not spent. Wealth is hard because it requires self-control.”
  9. “Happiness is just results minus expectations.”
  10. “In fact, the most important part of every plan is planning on your plan not going according to plan.”

A few bonus quotes:

“”Be more patient” in investing is the “sleep 8 hours” of health. It sounds too simple to take seriously but will probably make a bigger difference than anything else you do.”

“The formula for how to do well with money is simple. The behaviors you battle while implementing that formula are hard.”

“”Save more money and be more patient” is too simple for most people to take seriously, but it’s the best solution to most financial problems.”

