Taking Risks

“Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” — Oprah Winfrey

The greatness you desire, the success you dream about, is on the other side of your doubts and fears, explains media mogul Oprah Winfrey. You must confront and manage your self-doubts and unrealistic fears if you ever expect to live a life of purpose and meaning. You must believe in yourself, be courageous in your actions, and be grateful for your current life.

You don’t find life’s purpose and meaning, you create them!

The kind of life you were created to live, a life of purpose and meaning, will require you to leave your comfort zone and take risks. Staying within your comfort zone and avoiding risks may seem safe, but they can also lead to missed opportunities for growth, learning, and progress.

Every decision involves an opportunity cost—the value of what you could have gained by choosing an alternative path. Taking risks involves making decisions or engaging in actions where the outcome is uncertain but there is a potential benefit or reward.

Not taking risks is a risk in itself. Many people are not living their dreams because they are living their fears.

Fear of failure often prevents people from taking risks. However, failure itself is a valuable teacher. You will never amount to anything if you let your doubts and fears hinder you from trying things.

Embracing failure as a stepping stone toward growth and learning is essential.

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” — Michael Jordan

Your pursuit of security is what’s hindering you from reaching greatness. You can’t be safe and still be great because greatness will require you to take risks and try things you’ve never done before. But it’s in taking risks that you find security because proper security is having no fear of trying.

Nothing great is built in your comfort zone. Life is all about taking risks. It’s a daring adventure or nothing at all.

What’s stopping you? In the face of death, life’s fears hold no meaning. So live while you are still alive.

Go out, try things, do what scares you, let go of your doubts and fears, and embrace the uncertainties. What’s life if we aim for less because we fear more?

Take the risk; it’s a part of life, not part of it. Never take the risk of missing the chance to live.

People tend to regret missed opportunities more than failed attempts.

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” — Robert Kiyosaki


Success is not a matter of luck.
Successful people are not just lucky; they make their luck by taking action and persevering through setbacks.
Success is a journey, not a destination.
There is no one-size-fits-all formula for success. What works for one person may only work for one person. The important thing is to find your path to success and to be willing to make the necessary sacrifices along the way.
Success is not about money.
Money is important, but it is not the only measure of success. Successful people also find fulfillment in their work and make a positive impact on the world.
Success is a habit.
Successful people have developed habits that help them achieve their goals. These habits include setting goals, taking action, and never giving up.
Success is a choice.
You choose to be successful or not. It is not something that happens to you; it is something you create.
Success is a mindset.
Successful people have a positive mindset that allows them to see possibilities instead of obstacles.
Success is about personal growth.
Successful people are constantly learning and growing. They are unafraid to step outside their comfort zones and try new things.
Success is about giving back.
Successful people use their success to help others. They know they are not alone and feel responsible for giving back to the community.
Success is about leaving a legacy.
Successful people want to make a difference and be remembered for their positive contributions.
Success is possible for everyone.
You can achieve your dreams no matter where you come from or your circumstances. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but you can reach your full potential.

10 Lessons from The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less
  1. Identify the critical 20% of activities or efforts that yield 80% of the desired outcomes and prioritize them over less important tasks.
  2. Work smarter, not harder. Focus on maximizing efficiency in the tasks that deliver the most significant results rather than trying to do everything.
  3. Streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary complexity to increase effectiveness and productivity.
  4. Develop a strategic mindset by focusing on high-leverage activities that align with long-term goals and objectives.
  5. Recognize that not all decisions are equally important. Focus your time and energy on decisions that have the most significant impact on your goals and outcomes.
  6. Identify and leverage resources, talents, and opportunities that contribute the most to your success.
  7. Embrace a continuous improvement mindset by regularly evaluating and refining your strategies and processes.
  8. Remain flexible and adaptable in the face of changing circumstances. Be willing to adjust your approach as needed to stay aligned with your objectives.
  9. Recognize and mitigate potential risks that could derail your progress toward your goals.
  10. Seek balance and harmony in your life by focusing on what truly matters and letting go of unnecessary distractions or obligations.

Create The Life You Want

How To Create The Life You Want in 2024:

You can make excuses all you want, try to escape reality through whatever makes you forget it for a while, and keep delaying achieving your goals and creating the life you want.

But sooner or later, you’ll realize that You will need to change yourself to get what you want. The longer you stay in denial, the lower your odds are of achieving your goals and creating the life you want.

Source:  Psyche Wizard https://x.com/psychewizard/status/1740995700052431228?s=46&t=mF_tsrQnjgviyl62GYfJjw

The Right Mindset

“Your mindset is your biggest asset.”

Your mindset is what sets the tone for everything in your life. Changing your mindset is what will change your life.  What you think and believe is what you act upon. Success is a mindset. So is failure. You become successful the moment you decide in your mind that you are a success.

Below are nine keys to develop the right mindset:

1.  Define a clear goal.  Without a clear goal, it isn’t easy to define exactly what you want. Your mind does not need an invitation to procrastinate.

Begin to visualize what it is you want. Writing down your goal will help to bring it into reality.

When you write down a goal and problem clearly and precisely, you have solved half the problem

2.  Establish a clear plan. You may know what it is you want, but if you don’t know how to achieve it, the chances are you will fail.

Outline a plan that breaks down each step you need to attain your goal. Small steps lead to significant changes.

3. Strengthen your self-confidence. One thing the successful in society all have in common is self-confidence.

You need to develop the mindset that you are good enough to achieve your goals; otherwise, why even try?

You can do this.

4. Build good habits. Habits make life 10x easier. The more you have to think about what you’re doing, the greater chance that your mind will start to wander.

Systems and good habits remove the guessing and give you a straightforward step-by-step process to follow.

5. Evaluate your time. You often hear people say, “I don’t have time,” when in reality, they go to work and then spend the rest of their night mindlessly scrolling.

Plan your day; there is enough time to enjoy yourself while completing important tasks.

Stop using your time and energy to worry.  Use your time and energy to believe, create, love, grow, and heal.

You can’t control the past or predict the future. Wasting time worrying about the past or future is a waste of time and energy.

6 Start small.  Often, when you lack discipline, it is down to thinking that you must do it all at once.

Learn to break down tasks into manageable pieces. You’ll find that you get more done and be pleasantly surprised at how much more enjoyable it is.

7. Look after yourself. Strong mental, physical, and emotional health will aid in your battle to destroy the lack of self-discipline.

Develop a positive self-talk process, maintain an attitude of gratitude/appreciate of everything, and practice mindfulness / being present in the moment, as well as making sure you eat well and exercise on a regular basis.

Movement will help clear your mind and extend your life.

8. Hold yourself accountable. You can always ask friends or family to hold you responsible, but what happens when they are not?

Developing self-accountability puts you in control. You can identify your triggers and deal with them accordingly.

Master your destiny.

9. Consistency is key. Look, there will be days that don’t work out as planned, but don’t let this ruin your overall plan.

Get back in the game, never give up, and bring home the victory. Do your best and trust the system and process.

Trust yourself; you’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits.

Your goal is to wake up every day feeling blessed to live the kind of life you have created for yourself.

There are Men who are 24 and boys who are 35. Maturity is a mindset, not age.

Source:  The Right Mindset on X (formerly Twitter )

Measure Your Life

7 Powerful Lessons from “How Will You Measure Your Life?”

1. Define your “yardsticks”: Instead of chasing external metrics like wealth or fame, the book encourages identifying your values and defining metrics that reflect your true priorities. These “yardsticks” become the foundation for measuring your life’s progress and satisfaction.

2. Invest in relationships: The book emphasizes the importance of nurturing strong, meaningful relationships with family, friends, and loved ones. These relationships are the source of true happiness and fulfillment, and investing time and effort in them is crucial for a successful life.

3. Focus on the “becoming” over the “doing”: The book challenges the conventional focus on achievements and results. Instead, it encourages prioritizing growth and learning, the journey of becoming a better person. Continuous improvement and self-development are critical to a fulfilling life.

4. Manage your time like a CEO: Time is your most valuable resource. The book teaches you to manage it effectively, prioritize tasks that align with your values, and avoid distractions that hinder your progress toward your goals.

5. Say no to protect your “yes”: The book emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and saying “no” to commitments that don’t align with your values or priorities. Setting boundaries allows you to focus your energy on the things that truly matter and maximize the impact of your “yeses.”

6. Embrace the power of “deep love”: The book differentiates between “shallow love” based on external factors and “deep love” rooted in shared values and commitment. Deep love provides a strong foundation for lasting relationships and contributes significantly to a fulfilling life.

7. Remember, it’s never too late to change: The book offers hope and encouragement to individuals at any stage of their lives. It emphasizes that it’s never too late to re-evaluate your priorities, adjust your course, and start living a life that reflects your values and aspirations.

BOOK: https://amzn.to/48DCGPl


Positive Thinking and Thoughts

Positive thinking means approaching life’s daily opportunities and challenges with a positive mindset.

Research has found that positive thinking aids in stress management and can play an important role in your overall health and well-being.

People with a family history of heart disease who also had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook.[2]

That’s according to the findings from Johns Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H., and her colleagues. The finding held even in people with family history who had the most risk factors for coronary artery disease.

Positive thinking is about looking at things from a positive point of view. It is a type of thinking that focuses on maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude.

Positive thinking does not mean avoiding challenges or difficult situations. Instead, positive thinking means making the most of potential obstacles, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and being confident about your abilities.

Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits, including:

  • Better stress management and coping skills
  • Enhanced psychological health
  • Greater resistance to catching a cold
  • Increased physical well-being
  • Longer life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease-related death

Positive thinking has been shown to help people live healthier, happier lives. When you have a positive outlook, you are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting plenty of rest.

How to Cultivate Positive Thinking 

Practicing mindfulness can be a way to build self-awareness and become more conscious of how your positive or negative thoughts affect your mood and behavior.

As you become better at identifying your thought patterns, you can then take steps to shift into a more positive mindset. Actively replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you eventually learn to embrace a more positive mindset.


  1. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-positive-thinking-2794772
  2. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-power-of-positive-thinking

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

Essentialism is a disciplined way of thinking and acting that allows you to discern the vital few from the trivial many. It’s about learning to do less but better so that you can make the highest possible contribution.

Say no to the good so you can say yes to the great.

It’s only possible to do some things, so being selective about what you say yes to is important. Focus on the essential things that will have the biggest impact. Take a close look at your life and identify the things that are not essential. Once you know what they are, eliminate them from your life so that you can focus on the things that are truly important.

It’s okay to say no to requests, even if they come from people you care about. If something is not essential, don’t be afraid to say no so that you can focus on the things that are.

Protect your time since it is your most valuable resource, so please keep it carefully. Don’t let other people steal your time or pressure you into doing things that are not essential.

And it would be best if you took care of yourself. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, maintain close relationships, and exercise regularly. When you take care of yourself, you’re better able to focus on the things that are essential.

Essentialism is a powerful way to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. It can help you learn to focus on the truly essential things and make the biggest impact.

Green Grass

The phrase “Is the grass greener on the other side?” is a common way of asking if something that seems better or more desirable than one has is so. It is based on the proverb, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”, which means that people tend to be dissatisfied with their situation and always think that others have it better, even if they don’t. The proverb has been traced back to ancient times, but it became popular in English after a song by Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting in 1924.

The phrase can be used in different contexts, such as relationships, careers, lifestyles, etc. For example, someone unhappy with their marriage might wonder if the grass is greener on the other side, meaning if they would be happier with someone else. Or someone bored with their job might think the grass is greener on the other side, meaning they would enjoy a different career more. However, the phrase also implies that the grass is not greener and that changing one’s situation might not bring the expected happiness or satisfaction. It is a way of reminding people to appreciate what they have and not to idealize what they don’t have. A counter-phrase that expresses this idea is “the grass is greener where you water it, ” meaning that good situations come from the effort and attention you put into them, not from dreaming about them.

How Did You Fail This Week…Embrace Failure

“Failure is not the outcome; failure is not trying. Don’t be afraid to fail.” ~ Sara Blakely, Spanx Founder and CEO

There is tremendous value in embracing your mistakes and learning invaluable lessons from them. Failure is nothing to be afraid of.

Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, said that as a child, her father encouraged failure and as would pose an unusual question to her and her brother over dinner: “How did you fail this week?”

“He encouraged us to fail, and not to be afraid of it,” she told me. “If we didn’t have something to tell him that week, he would be disappointed.”

When Blakely tried out for the cheerleading squad and was “horrible and didn’t make it,” he high-fived her. When she revealed that she lost her campaign for senior class president, he told her that was amazing.

Blakely says she learned to find her hidden gifts in moments of disappointment or error. Instead of locking up in fear when things go wrong, she says people must find the beauty in these moments.



  1. https://leaders.com/articles/women-in-business/sara-blakely-spanx/