Positive and Optimistic Mindset for Healthy Aging

It’s essential to look ahead with optimism and a positive outlook as you age.

With advance aging, you should adopt an optimistic and positive mind-set and focus on new discoveries and experiences. It’s more important than ever as you age to follow a healthy lifestyle, remain positive and passionate about life, stay connected with family and friends, and look forward to better days ahead.

You must consistently attempt to find things that continue to be meaningful and engaging. These meaningful activities can include traveling around the world, spiritual pursuits, hobbies such as reading or painting, lifelong learning, or spending more time with loved ones. Experts suggest planning for purposeful activities before transitioning to retirement, and to embrace this change and follow where their passions lie.

Try to keep the mind active by challenging yourself to learn something new every week or month, or try something you’ve always wanted to.

Embrace thoughts such as, “As I age, I’ll keep learning,” says Vonetta Dotson, an associate professor of psychology and gerontology at Georgia State University. Feeding yourself a rich diet of positive messages can in itself brighten your outlook.

“Anytime we do something and try new things, it helps to reinforce this feeling of positivity,” Dotson said. “And keep those social connections. When you socialize, your focus is diverted. When you’re by yourself, you may ruminate” about your current and future physical and mental deterioration.”

Better yet, learning something new enables your brain to form new pathways. This helps you stave off gloomy thoughts about the aging process.

“By engaging in rewarding and meaningful activities and staying mentally active, we can retrain our brains,” said Kevin Manning, a neuropsychologist and associate professor of psychiatry at UConn Health. “These activities can enhance our self-efficacy, lessen fears of decline and sharpen our cognitive functioning.”

Ideally, passion drives you to take action. Why sign up for a course on current events or foreign affairs if you find the state of the world dispiriting and you dread consuming the news?

To channel your activity in a more uplifting direction, set short-term goals. If you’re learning a musical instrument, aim to perform a simple piece in one month.

When you embrace a purpose that gives you something to do that’s meaningful,” it focuses your efforts and displaces fears of aging. It’s one of several keys to healthy aging.

The key to healthy aging is a physically, socially, mentally and spiritually active lifestyle and mindset.


  1. https://www.barrons.com/articles/depression-aging-retirement-51640306803
  2. https://vailhealthfoundation.org/news/10-tips-for-healthy-aging-month-2021/
  3. https://healthprep.com/aging/secrets-to-aging-gracefully/

Benefits of Regular Exercise for the Brain

There are many long-term benefits of regular exercise for your brain.

Studies have shown how essential and significant exercise or physical activities can be for keeping your brain fit and healthy. And, you can actually build a stronger brain through exercise.

Regular exercise improves mood

Regular exercise has a significant positive influence on mental well-being and can boost the mental health. Thus, if you need an emotional lift or a need to relieve the stress of a trying day? Exercise or moderate physical activity, like a brisk walk, is the solution.

Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.


The body’s feel-good chemical, known as endorphins, are released during exercise. Endorphins help focus your mind, reduce the impact of pain on your body, and improve your mood. In fact, some reports indicate the endorphins released during exercise have much of the same effect as traditional anxiety medication, and the results can last for hours afterward. There is ample evidence pointing towards endorphins’ positive effects.

Take your brain to the gym to maximize mental and whole-body health

Evidence does suggest that resistance training and aerobic exercise — walking, running, biking, swimming — will help your brain. In one study, older adults with mild cognitive impairment who lifted weights two to three times a week improved muscle tone and cognitive function, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • Moreover, walking and other moderate aerobic exercise has been shown to help stabilize your mood and help with depressive symptoms. Studies have also found that regular exercise helps people better control their stress and regulate their emotions.
  • Physical activity contributes to learning. In one study, when teachers added exercise routines to math lessons — called motor-enriched learning — math scores improved faster for the exercisers than for the kids who didn’t exercise during the lesson. Other studies have found that exercise helps improve reading comprehension, too.
  • A few of the brain enhancing findings to motivate you to get started today.

    1. Feel better.
    2. Enhance learning. While scientists don’t fully understand how
    3. Sharpen memory.
    4. Improve vision.

    Your brain is amazing. Billions of nerve cells work together in harmony to coordinate every second of your life: your movements, behavior, thoughts, memories and emotions. So take your brain to the gym to maximize whole-body health.


    1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/want-a-strong-brain-exercise/art-20390074
    2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389

    Physical Activity

    Physical activity is associated with better immune function

    There is significant health benefits that can be derived from regular physical activity on our heart, muscles, and even brain function.

    Regular physical activity can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. There is ample evidence that regular physical activity is also associated with a better immune function.

    Importantly, these benefits are achievable for everyone regardless of current health status, underlying conditions, gender or age. And, those who are least healthy (and, consequently, at greatest risk for severe COVID-19 responses) have the most to gain from maintaining an active lifestyle.

    Physical Activity Guidelines

    Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggest all physical activity is beneficial regardless of intensity.

    The Physical Activity Guidelines suggest Americans engage in 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity each week.

    Individuals are encouraged to limit their sitting time as much as possible. But, it is important to listen to your body. If you feel pain or stiffness from too much sitting and inactivity, get up and move around. Even walking breaks of 2 minutes are associated with benefits (reduced pain, improved alertness).  Limiting prolonged sitting to less than 60 minutes would be a good rule of thumb.

    Certainly those who can safely engage in moderate to vigorous intensity activity should do so. But if light physical activity is all you are able to achieve, there are health benefits that come from this. Essentially, some physical activity is good; more physical activity is better.


    1. https://btn.com/2020/04/13/iowa-professor-espouses-the-benefits-of-exercise-btn-livebig/