Retirement Planning

Planning for retirement is a way to help you maintain the same quality of life in the future.

You should start retirement planning as early as financially and emotionally possible, like in your early twenties or thirties. The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow.

That said, it’s never too late to start retirement planning, so don’t feel like you’ve missed the proverbial boat if you haven’t started.

Keep in mind, every dollar you can save now will be much appreciated later. Strategically investing could mean you won’t be playing catch-up for long.

Additionally, retirement planning isn’t merely about counting the days until you hang up your work boots and calculating your magical financial number.

It’s about ensuring that your golden years exudes comfort, financial security, personal relationships, meaning and purpose. Here are five financial steps to guide you as you prepare for career and life transition:

  1. Know When to Start: Determine when you want to retire. Will it be an early retirement at 62 or a grand finale at full Social Security benefits age (around 67)? Remember, the earlier you claim Social Security, the less you will receive monthly, but delaying it can enhance your benefits.
  2. Calculate Your Magic Number: Calculate how much wealth or nest egg you need to sustain your desired lifestyle. Consider living expenses, healthcare costs, and the joys you wish to indulge in during retirement.
  3. Prioritize your financial goals: Pay off debts, build your savings, downside if necessary, and calculate your monthly expenses.
  4. Choose Your Accounts: Explore retirement accounts. Will it be a 401(k), an IRA, or both? Each has tax advantages, contribution limits, and investment options. Mix and match wisely.
  5. Invest Wisely: Your investments must propel you toward your financial destination. In your youth, invest aggressively. As you approach the retirement, dial back to a more conservative mix.

Whether you’re a few decades or a few years away from retirement, having a plan can help you feel confident that you’ll be prepared when the time finally arrives.



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