Dog Sitting on a Nail Story

There is a story of an old man and his dog sitting on the porch. It’s hot outside. The old man is sipping on his lemonade and the dog is sitting next to him moaning in pain.

The neighbor across the street hears the dog moaning for several minutes, and his curiosity gets the best of him, so he approaches the old man.

He asks the old man, “why is your dog moaning?” The old man responds by saying: “the dog is sitting on a nail.”

Perplexed, the neighbor asks, “why doesn’t the dog just get up and move to another spot on the porch?”

The old man takes another sip of lemonade, smiles, thinks about his response and says, “it doesn’t hurt bad enough!”

Even though the dog was moaning in pain, the pain wasn’t “bad enough” for the dog to do something about it. Instead, all he did was moan.

All the dog really needed to do was stand up, move several inches, and find a comfortable spot on the porch to lay down.

People Can Be Like the Dog

This story describes human nature. People are comfortable, even if they are unhappy and are experiencing pain. We all have a comfort zone. Your comfort zone dictates your daily habits, thoughts, actions and success in life.

Additionally, people fear change. People also fear failure. Many people are unhappy with their lot in life, but they will not step out of their comfort zone and change. Why? Because the pain doesn’t hurt bad enough for them to make a change in their life. They believe the pain of changing is greater than the pain of staying the same.

It’s not until people get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and make the decision they will do whatever it takes, that they will change and do what they need to do.
