Mindset: Creating Your Own Opportunities

“You either walk inside your own story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” Dr. Brené Brown, Ph.D

Dr. Brené Brown’s research has shown that you are the only person responsible for your life story and its outcomes. Not your mother; not your spouse; and, definitely not your “bestie” are responsible. You , and you alone, must take responsibility and assume accountability for your thoughts, your habits and your behavior that have resulted in the outcome of your current life.

If you want things to happen in your life for the better and want to improve the trajectory of your life, then you need to do something about it. If you just sit about waiting for opportunities to come to you or waiting for the government to come to the rescue, it is likely that they will never happen.

You, and only you, need to make your own opportunities in life if you want to become a success. Set goals and take action to steer your life in the direction you want it to go, and take advantage every chance and opportunity that comes your way.

Yes, it takes courage and accepting that occasionally you will fail and ‘get your ass kicked’ in the process of creating your own opportunities.

Dr. Brown’s research on the power of vulnerability has shown that without the willingness to rumble with one’s vulnerability, you are unlikely to achieve the success and life you desire without a willingness to accept failing and accept ‘getting your ass kicked’ on occasion. Vulnerability is the emotion you experience during times of risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure.


  1. https://moneyinc.com/brene-brown-quotes/

Dr. Brené Brown, Ph.D, is a professor, researcher and lecturer on the subject of vulnerability, best selling author of ‘Daring Greatly‘, and podcast host. She is based at the University of Houston’s Graduate College of Social Work.