Dietary Fat is Health Food

“Nothing beats the true healing power of food and food is the best medicine for chronic disease.  It works faster and better, and is cheaper than medication. And all the side effects are good ones.”  ~ Dr. Mark Hyman

Many Americans have long been told that consuming dietary fat makes them fat, contributes to heart disease, and generally erodes their health. Now a growing body of research debunks long held beliefs about dietary fat, revealing the immense health and weight-loss benefits of a high-fat diet rich in eggs, nuts, oils, avocados, and other delicious superfoods, explains Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., author of “Eat Fat, Get Thin” and director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and founder and director of The Ultra-Wellness Center.

We now know that refined sugars and ultra process carbs, not fat, are the true causes and villains of obesity and heart disease. Overconsumption of refined sugars and processes carbohydrates causes a spike in the body’s production of the hormone insulin, which increases the storage of fat, especially dangerous visceral fat, explains Dr. Hyman. Instead, consuming healthy fats and plant based food, which are packed with powerful antioxidants and photochemicals is what your body and mind need.

Fat is one of the body’s most basic building blocks. The average person is made up of between 15 and 30 percent fat!

Essentially, dietary fat does not cause a spike in insulin.  Unlike eating refined sugars and processed carbs, eating fat makes your body burn fat, rather than store fat. Fats like butter and coconut oil boost your body’s metabolism, suppress hunger, lower triglycerides, reduce fat storage, and even improve athletic performance.

By increasing dietary fat into your diet, and eliminating sugar and process carbs, studies demonstrate that you can lose more weight, improve your metabolic health, and begin to feel and look better.

“Dr. Mark Hyman has helped thousands of people lose weight and lead happier, more energetic lives,” writes Toby Cosgrove, CEO of Cleveland Clinic. “His powerful insights on the dynamics of dietary fat will change the way you think about everyday eating, and show you how easy it is to enjoy a healthier, more satisfying diet.”

In short, the right fats can improve your mood, skin, hair and nails, while protecting you against Type 2 diabetes, dementia, cancer and much more, according to Dr. Hyman. Among his favorite sources of fat include:

  • Avocados.
  • Nuts—walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, but not peanuts (one study showed a handful of nuts a day reduced death from all causes by 20 percent).
  • Seeds—pumpkin, sesame, chia, hemp.
  • Fatty fish, including sardines, mackerel, herring and wild salmon that are rich in omega-3 fats.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (a large study showed that those who consumed 1 liter a week reduced heart attacks by 30 percent).
  • Grass-fed or sustainably raised animal products.
  • Extra virgin coconut butter, which is a great plant-based source of saturated fat that has many benefits. It fuels your mitochondria, is anti-inflammatory and doesn’t cause problems with your cholesterol. In fact, it may help resolve them.


  1. Dr. Mark Hyman, Eat Fat, Get Thin, Little, Brown and Company. February 23, 2016.