Saving for the Future

“Saving is about putting aside money for future use. Investing is about putting your money to work for you with the goal of growing it over time.

Saving money isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially if you’re one of the many of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. But saving for the future remains vitally important — not just to enable you to make large discretionary purchases such as a big screen television or a luxury vacation, but for emergencies, retirement, or buying a home.

  • Saving involves putting aside money for future use.
  • Investing involves putting your money to work for you with the goal of growing it over the long term.
  • To build your financial future, you need to do both, save for the future and invest for the long term.

Unfortunately, many of Americans aren’t where they should be financially. A 2019 Charles Schwab Modern Wealth survey found that about 59 percent of American adults are living paycheck to paycheck.

If you’re having a hard enough time paying the bills and putting food on the table without racking up debt, saving for the future is probably the last thing on your mind. Only 38% of people have an emergency fund, according to Charles Schwab, and one in five Americans don’t have a dime saved for retirement, according to a survey from Northwestern Mutual.

But, being a good saver certainly puts you ahead of the game. And having solid savings’ habits are an important step toward financial security. But saving by itself is not enough. While saving is about accumulating money for the future, investing is about growing your money over the long term. And that can make a huge difference in your financial future.

Begin your savings journey today for a better tomorrow

The hardest part about saving is getting started.

Basically, saving is putting aside money for future use. Think of saving as paying yourself first or an essential expense. From your earnings, you should take out what you intend to save for taxes first, if you’re a freelancer, and then take out 10% to 15% for savings. In other words, before you spend your first dollar on monthly expenses, first you should set aside 10% to 15% of income for your savings.

You can think of it as money you have left over once you’ve covered your essential expenses. Essentially, you should make saving a line item on your monthly budget, so that saving becomes one of your essentials. And, having money tucked away will help you pay for the things you want above and beyond your daily expenses, and also cover you in case of emergency.

Having more month left then money

A savings account is an interest-bearing account that helps you save money and earn monthly interest. Separate from your checking account and long-term investments, savings accounts can grow with regular deposits and compounding interest that you can use for your future, large purchases or emergency funds.

Having a sizeable savings account can help you stay out of debt and give you the cushion you need should you face an unexpected illness, job loss or expense. Plus, when you want something special like a week’s vacation, you’ve got the money.

Building a “cash cushion” is an important step towards financial freedom. In a cash cushion, or emergency fund, you want enough cash on hand to cover three to six months’ essential expenses.

Additionally, a well-rounded savings strategy should focus on both short-term and long-term goals, says personal financial expert, Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz CFP® major moves in order to save money — Those extra dollars are being used in two ways: to pay off debt (credit cards and student loans) and to save for a new home.

Most people keep their savings in a bank account. The upside is that it’s easily accessible and safe; the downside is that it won’t earn very much. Money in savings accounts is not likely to keep pace with inflation. Which means the money you have saved today can actually lose buying power over time. That’s why just saving isn’t enough.

Investing creates the action

Investing, on the other hand, is about putting your money to work for you with the goal of growing it over time. Here’s an example. If you put $3,000 each year in a savings account and earn 1 percent, at the end of 20 years you’d have about $67,000. If you invested that same amount of money and got an average 6 percent return over the same time period, you’d have nearly $117,000. The sooner you start saving the less you may need to save because your money gets to work that much sooner. The more you save, the more you have to invest—and the more those returns can add up.

Nobody knows, especially the talking heads in the financial entertainment media, if the stock market is going up or down tomorrow, much less six months or 12 months from now. Moreover, it should not matter if the market meltdowns one day and melt-up the next. When it goes down, you should invest. And, when it goes up, you should invest. In other words, you must consistently invest in the market. Do not let volatility and market moving news faze you, or cause a bout of investing paralysis.

Investing involves risk

Of course, investing involves risk. And the stock market particularly will have its ups and downs. But there are ‘tried and true’ ways to mitigate that risk. The key to mitigating risk is to diversify by choosing a broad range of investments in stocks, bonds, and cash based assets that aligns with your financial plan asset allocation, risk tolerance and time horizon and never put all your money in one particular stock or asset.

One other important factor is time. To protect yourself against market downturns, a long-term approach is essential. At your age, you have time to keep your money in the market and ride out the inevitable market lows. The trick is to stick with it through those lows, keeping your focus on the potential for long-term gains.

Beginning with your next paycheck, commit to paying yourself first. Develop a budget, evaluate your spending needs, and understand your long-term goals.

