Wearing Masks Prevents COVID-19 Spread

Face masks can play an important role in preventing the spread of the coronavirus from infected persons respiratory systems. Masks form a literal barrier to stop particles from getting into the air and spreading to others.

Scientist Bill Nye “The Science Guy” is urging everyone to wear a mask in the fight to stop the spread of the coronavirus.  He states that the mask is extremely effective at preventing “particles from your respiratory system from getting into my respiratory system” and vice versa.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended everyone wear a (cloth) mask to prevent infected people passing on the infection. It is not intended to prevent the wearer getting infected.

There are several possible routes to infection:

  • An infected person can cough, sneeze or breathe while within about two metres of another person, and the virus lands in the other person’s eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Another route is when an infected person coughs or sneezes onto their hand or onto a surface. The uninfected person then shakes the hand or touches the surface, and transfers the virus to their own eye, nose or mouth.
  • It is possible that an infected person can also cough or sneeze to create an airborne spread beyond the close contact range – but it is controversial whether this last route is a major means of transmission.

Masks with eye protection appear to work best because coronaviruses can enter the eyes and travel to the nose and into the respiratory system.  Thus, masks combined with goggles appear to provide complete protection in laboratory experiments.

Masks protect effectively others from the virus that might have been spread by an infected mask wearer and may prevent the spread of viruses from the wearer.

Masks reduce the amounts of droplets and aerosols spread when an infected person coughs or sneeze.  Ill people who don’t wear a mask and “well” people who have no symptoms but are still carrying and spreading the virus are the reasons people should wear masks while in public.

Wearing Masks

Wearing masks does appear to reduce the spread of the infection to others.  Everyone with any respiratory symptoms must wear masks in public. This requirement could supplement other strategies such as social distancing, testing, tracking and tracing to reduce transmission.

To capture infected people without symptoms, we could ask everyone to wear masks in public spaces. Masks could also be required at some outdoor crowd events, such as sporting events or concerts.

Many medical experts know that the best practices for controlling an infectious disease like COVID-19 include keeping six feet apart from others, washing your hands regularly, and, wearing face masks in public.

  1. https://news.yahoo.com/bill-nye-demonstrate-face-masks-184448520.html
  2. https://www.sciencealert.com/this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-wear-a-mask-is-just-so-confusing