The Basics of Creating Your Emergency Fund | MakingCents | Navy Federal Credit Union

Saving for Your Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund can help you feel at ease and prepared for the unexpected. Putting aside three to six months of living expenses takes time. Start by opening an emergency savings account and begin making regular deposits, no matter how small. Look for accounts that pay the most interest, so your money can grow even faster.

Set a deadline to reach each of your goals. It’s helpful to have a plan in place to hold yourself accountable for reaching your goals. Having a deadline can help you stay on track. Don’t worry if you get a little behind. What’s important is that you’re moving ahead.

Track your progress. Remember-every little bit counts. Even if you only save a small amount each week, you’ll be building a cushion you didn’t have before. When you track your progress, you’ll see that you’re not only earning interest on the money you contribute, but you’re also earning interest on the interest you earned before. Take the time to enjoy watching your little fund grow. 

Resist the urge to spend it. It might be tempting to use your money on the latest technology or a fun vacation, but resist spending your emergency fund unless you really have an emergency. That way, it will be there when you really need it.

— Read on–getting-started/emergency-funds.html
