George Floyd Murder and the Dominoes of Racial Injustice | The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

“That’s the thing people don’t understand sometimes. We need people at the top to be the most accountable, because they are the ones who are basically setting the tone and tenor for everything we do in our society. It’s the same way we tell parents to set an example for their kids, the same way we tell captains or coaches to set an example for their players, the same way we tell teachers to set an example for their students. The reason we do that is because we understand in society that if you lead by example, there is a good chance that people will follow that example you have set. If the example law enforcement is setting that they don’t adhere to the laws, then why should the citizens of that society adhere to the laws when in fact the law enforcers themselves don’t?” Trevor Noah

On a recent episode of “The Daily Show,” Trevor Noah delivered a passionate commentary of George Floyd’s murder at the knee of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, the activism across the nation and world his death has spurred, and the mixed reactions of Americans to those protests, unrest and looting — particularly calling out those denouncing looting.

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